Affirmations for Brave Living

We talk to ourselves nearly every moment of every day. And the words we choose have an enormous impact on our thoughts, emotions, actions, and results in life. This impact can be either positive or negative. When we choose to be more intentional with our words and speak to ourselves with compassion, conviction, encouragement, and love, we are capable of creating great change in our lives and in our world.
I offer you the affirmations below. Choose a few which resonate more deeply with you to repeat during your morning ritual/routine. This will set the space and intention for the rest of  your day. You may also call on these affirmations at any time you feel you need an extra dose of courage. For more information, including the 3 P’s of writing your own affirmations, check out this short post.

  1. I choose courage over comfort.
  2. I am a brave, bold, badass woman and I’m ready to make waves!
  3. I am brave and bold in my pursuit of my best life.
  4. I take ownership of my life and take action on my dreams.
  5. I am a unique and creative expression of Source energy itself. I am a miracle capable of miracles!
  6. I am a living example of what it means to live brave every day. I can do this!
  7. I can feel fear and move forward at the same time.
  8. I am so excited to see what moving through this fear will teach me about myself!
  9. I am ready to be brave! I am ready for adventure!
  10. I have survived every fear and challenge placed before me thus far. I will continue to thrive because I am brave!
  11. I am worthy of being seen. I deserve to be seen.
  12. I will be seen and admired for my bravery.
  13. I take action in the face of fear.
  14. My Brave grows bigger every single day.
  15. I am courageous. I am confident. I am Brave!
  16. I desire and welcome more opportunities to act bravely.
  17. I can do hard things.
  18. My discomfort is temporary. My courage grows permanently.
  19. I am changing the world by changing my life in small ways every day.
  20. I am never alone when taking brave action. My brave acts are always encouraged and supported by God/Source/Spirit/Angels.
  21. It is in darkness that I shine brightest. I am light. I am love. I am Brave.
  22. I admire my bravery. I am proud of my courage.
  23. I trust myself most when taking brave action and following my heart. My heart knows the way.
  24. My heart energy dissolves all resistance and allows me to move through fear.
  25. My courage lives within my heart. I always have access to this energy to make brave choices every day.
  26. When I act in the face of fear, fear goes away.
  27. Courage fills my body and radiates from my heart.
  28. My natural response to fear is to take action.
  29. I face every challenge with grace and my courage rises up with ease.
  30. I am confident in my beliefs, courageous in my actions, and brave in my heart.
  31. I no longer give fear my energy. I channel all of my energy toward my dreams!
If you’d like more inspiration and information on how you can choose to live braver every day, I encourage you to join the {FREE} Tribe of Wild Hearted Women who are committed to showing up and living a life of Courage, Confidence, and Creative expression! You belong HERE.
with love & in courage,






Hello! I'm Melissa! I live, work, and play here at the farm. Occasionally I write about it. Less often I publish it. Thanks for being here to receive those rare moments. I appreciate you!

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