The Sovereign Woman

A sovereign woman is one who is born from fire.

Surrounded by the ashes of untruths and social constructs, she rises with a strength and power which pales even her greatest guides and heroines.
For she is her own heroine,
     her own guide,
           her own source of strength.
Woven into her being are the threads of Grace, Passion, Resilience, Wisdom, Dignity, and Universal Love.
She embodies both light and dark, fuel and flame, humanity and divinity.
She is living face-to-face with herself, skin-to-skin with the world, and displays with bravery the heart on her sleeve, fist in the air, and strength in her voice.
She is meeting parts of herself for the first time and for the first time feeling safe, feeling home, feeling as those she belongs.
She is born of transition and steps confidently, with both fear and courage, towards the unending path of transition that is the life of a Sovereign Woman.

Releasing, Reclaiming, Rebirthing herself.

Again and again.

This month, our Circle is focused on reclaiming our Sovereignty. Join Us Here

Art by Chaerul-Umam, entitled Reincarnation


Hello! I'm Melissa! I live, work, and play here at the farm. Occasionally I write about it. Less often I publish it. Thanks for being here to receive those rare moments. I appreciate you!

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