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The Watershed Farm is nestled in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. We are just 15min south of Chattanooga, TN (voted the #1 place for outdoor adventures by Outside Magazine). We are located 1 mile off I-75 and yet you’d never know that. Surrounded by rolling pastures, towering old growth trees home to hundreds of songbirds, a softly bubbling creek teeming with spring peepers, small fish for the resident heron, and a cool place to rest your feet under the willows and watch the horses laze & graze together, this land is truly sacred. It is beautifully welcoming and is awaiting your beautiful Being.
Our address is gps-friendly. Please use this information respectfully as it is also our personal home and where we’re creating memories with our 3 young boys.
The Watershed Farmc/o Melissa Bennett401 Bandy RdRinggold, GA 303736
We’re excited for you to BE here.
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