Welcome to Farm & Forest School!

at The Watershed Farm

A learner led, emergent curriculum adventure through forests, fields, and farm! We are inclusive and secular. All are welcome here!

Enrollment Now Open

Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:30a-12:30p

After care hours are also available. 

Ages 4-12

Mixed age play benefits all learners in a way they rarely get to experience in the "real world". Younger children rise to meet those older than them, while older children are in a position to practice leadership skills. Peter Gray (author of Free to Learn, et al.) has written a few pieces about this if you're curious to learn more.

Sliding Scale Tuition

Choose a payment plan that best fits your family's financial ability. We offer 4 tuition options, all of which can be paid in either monthly or weekly installments. If tuition costs are still out of reach for your family, please feel free to reach out and we will do our best to come up with alternative options.

The Watershed Farm is located at 401 Bandy Rd. Ringgold, GA 30736

Naturally Emergent Curriculum

We know children learn best when they're personally intrigued & motivated. The farm and forest provide an ever-changing environment that invites students to wonder, explore, & discover the world around them, and their place in it.

Outdoor educators act as guides and collaborators in learning, providing opportunities for your child to grow in all developmental domains meaningfully and at their own unique pace.

6 Core Principles of Forest School

Long Term Process

Cultivating knowledge of place, and relationships with nature and those we share it with is a long-term process that can't be accomplished through infrequent visits. Observations and experiences over time and through the seasons create connections, and a feeling of belonging.

Natural Environment

All sessions take place outside in a variety of natural landscapes (woods, meadows, creeks) to support the development of a lifelong relationship between the learner and the natural world. A desire to steward these spaces is a natural outcome that doesn't require formal teaching.

Emergent Learning

Outdoor educators are trained Forest School Teachers who serve as collaborators more than instructors. We utilize a variety of learner-led processes to create a community of being, development, and learning.

Holistic Approach

We aim to promote the holistic development of each student; fostering resilient, confident, independent, and creative learners.

Supported Risk Taking

We create an atmosphere where learners are supported in taking measured risks appropriate to the environment and to themselves.

Qualified Educators

Our staff is trained in best practices for nature-based early childhood education (by ANBE), as well as First Aid, CPR, Water Safety, and Wilderness Preparedness. We are passionate, lifelong learners and seek to improve our knowledge and experience in all ways that may benefit our students and staff.

Following the Rhythms of Nature

Our days are structured and follow particular rhythms: Open, Inspire, Activate, Focus, Rest, and Gather. With older learners we can add Reflect, Integrate, and Close. This rhythm mirrors that of nature through both seasonal and daily cycles, as well as the 8 Directions of Native Wisdom.

The beauty of this rhythm is that we can apply any interests, studies, or projects to it while maintaining the comfort of the natural rhythms of learning.

Role of the Forest School Teacher / Guide

The teachers of the forest school classroom act more as guides than teachers in a traditional classroom would. Our goal isn't to teach students what they "should" learn, but to encourage curiosity, facilitate experiences that develop a love of learning, and create opportunities for holistic growth, while always maintaining a safe environment that allows students to take risks that are individually and developmentally appropriate. We encourage our students to ask questions, explore interests, develop and defend ideas, take personal responsibility, and care for themselves and the world around them. Both guides and students are responsible for documenting the learning that occurs, as we invite parents and caregivers to be partners in this growth.


We know that your child is a capable and valuable member of our learning community. They offer their unique skills and contributions in a way no other person can! We are so excited to get to know them and learn how we can best support their interests and curiosities as we explore this space together as co-learners on a wondrous adventure! 


2024 - 2025 

The 2024 - 2025 school year will run from September 3rd - May 29th. View a larger, printable version of the calendar HERE.

Want to visit the farm?

We would love to show you around! Schedule a farm tour HERE. You're welcome to invite friends, family members, or other caregivers who may be interested!

The Land

The Watershed Farm is located in Ringgold GA, just off I-75. It consists of 18 acres of gently rolling fields, creeks, and both deciduous and coniferous forests. It is the ideal environment for children to experience a wide variety of natural spaces! Barn friends include horses, sheep, pig, chickens, and the sweetest barn cat! Wild friends are varied and plentiful!


A swimming pool is available seasonally during after hours care.


In addition to the natural environments, the farm has a large barn which contains a bathroom, individual secure lockers for students to keep gear and equipment in, and a climate controlled, nature-inspired gathering room equipped with a water cooler, microwave, and refrigerator to keep lunches, snacks, and medications.

The Guides

Melissa Bennett, Director / Guide

Hey hello friends! My formal education background includes a BSc in Therapeutic Recreation from Ohio University. In that field I became a Therapeutic Horseback Riding Instructor and founded SHAW Therapeutic Riding Center in Boulder City NV. 

After moving to the area in 2009 I had 3 boys who, like myself, are growing up wild, with a deep love and connection to nature. 

When not homeschooling or caring for the farm, I can be found wandering the woods with my ever-loyal dog, reading, writing, and simply BEing with my herd of horses, even when I don't have the time to ride.

Aminah Hamidi, Lead Guide

Hello everyone! I’m so happy to be here. I have a natural love for nature, animals, and any experience I can get outside. This program is a special place for kiddos to be their true authentic selves with no limitations - something we’re all still learning to be, right alongside them.
In my free time, you’ll most likely find me in the water, laying out in the sun with a good book, or on the road headed to a new place to explore.


While we never want financial issues to be a barrier to any child’s ability to attend Watershed Farm & Forest School, we are committed to paying our staff a fair wage, maintaining our facility, equipment, insurance etc..


With that in mind, please choose the option that best fits your family's financial abilities. Scholarship prices are self-selected and no application is required. 


Payment plans are for the full academic year, September 3, 2024 - May 22, 2025. Seasonal (3 months) attendance is available for $350/mo. Please contact us directly for seasonal tuition availability.


A specific number of spots are open for each payment plan, therefore some payment options may be unavailable/sold out.

$325/mo: Full Tuition + Scholarship Donation

Also available in weekly payments of $81

$300/mo: Full Tuition

Also available in weekly payments of $75

$225/mo: Tuition with 25% Scholarship

Also available in weekly payments of $56

$150/mo: Tuition with 50% Scholarship

Also available in weekly payments of $38

Land Acknowledgement

This farm is built on unceded (stolen) land of the Tsalagi (Cherokee) Nation. We acknowledge the elders both past and present, as well as future generations. This acknowledgement demonstrates our commitment to the process of working to dismantle the ongoing legacies of settler colonialism. A portion of all proceeds are donated to Cherokee nonprofits as an offering of reparations.

Stay in the loop

Thank You, we'll be in touch soon.