Building Bridges :: Gender Inclusive Circles


Bridges Gender Inclusive Circle Men's Circle

Women have been gathering in circles since ancient times. What may be surprising is, so have men. Prior to the rise of our current unbalanced patriarchal culture, men were expected to gather together to share, drum, sing, and dance. The loss of this opportunity for men has wounded everyone. As humans we need connection to thrive. Men need to have a safe space to share and process just as much as women. 

The Aching Divide

What we now know as toxic masculinity is harmful to everyone on the gender spectrum. It demands men show no emotion, fix every problem before them, that seeking help for mental or emotional support is weak, that weak is the most disgraceful thing a man can be, and most devastating to us all – that violence equals power. It creates a binary situation where any hint of embracing the feminine is met with ridicule and…wait for it – violence.

On the other end of the spectrum women are expected to nurture everyone but themselves, be apologetic for every indiscretion, and while sadness is acceptable anger never is. And because this dynamic creates a stark, binary situation if you fall anywhere in between you belong nowhere and everyone, in their pain to belong somewhere, is all too eager to engage in “othering” you.

It is so very clear that WE ARE ALL HURTING. The only way we can stop this cycle and disrupt the patterns of pain we have inherited and are passing on to the next generation is to come together, be still, engage, listen, share, and listen some more. It is as easy and as hard as that. And let me be very clear here to you dear reader – it starts with YOU

Coming Together

As we enter our third year of the Wild, Wise, & Rising Women’s Circle, we have decided what we’ve done for women isn’t enough. If we want to grow, evolve, and transcend modern culture we need to do it together and men need the same opportunities to engage in that evolution. We will be launching a men’s circle in Spring of 2020. Today we offer the full spectrum of genders an opportunity to bridge the gap between us.

Bridges Gender-Inclusive Circle is a six week program where participants gather online weekly. Together we will experience, not just talk about, topics such as Courage, Hope, Balance, and Creativity. Through a practice of deep listening, both to others and to our own inner wisdom, we develop the connections needed to build a bridge back home to one another. 

Bridges consists of seven online gatherings, followed by an optional in person celebration. Our first gathering introduces us to one another and to the process and framework of Circling. The next six gatherings are centered around a specific topic with enough space to allow for what needs to come up. Our final gathering will be an in person experience in the Chattanooga area.

Your Invitation

As part of the inaugural membership, we are offering you this experience at the lowest investment possible in exchange for your honest feedback which will help us to shape the following iteration, opening in late January 2020. Your individual investment is 60-90 minutes/week and a total of $65 for the entire 6 week program. While we encourage partners to join together, this is not a requirement and is in no way couples-focused. 



Hello! I'm Melissa! I live, work, and play here at the farm. Occasionally I write about it. Less often I publish it. Thanks for being here to receive those rare moments. I appreciate you!

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